The future plays in the Blackbox! The future is playing in the Blackbox! And it's already happening next Friday, 12 July: It starts with a relaxed get-together from 5.30 pm, before the keynote speeches start at 6 pm and everyone can glide into the weekend with a party afterwards. What is it all about? Margit Sichrovsky from LXSY Architekten, Berlin, and Stefan Krötsch from Klingelhöfer Krötsch Architekten, Munich, will provide exciting insights into the topics of "circular building" and "the future of timber construction" (both in English). The Ingersheim youth centre, a real-life laboratory in the research project "Stuttgart 210: Weiterdenken - Weiterbauen!" with a spectacular interior. Curious? Registration here.
Häfele Blackbox | Naststraße 15B | 70376 Stuttgart (in the Römerkastell)